In "Redefining Fatherhood: A New Era of Masculinity in Today's World," we dive into the heart of a crucial conversation from our recent webinar featuring Michael Perry, Founder & CEO of Grow Maple. This discussion ventures beyond traditional boundaries, exploring the transformative roles fathers play in today's dynamic society. It's not just about providing; it's about nurturing, understanding, and redefining what it means to be a 'man' in the context of modern parenting. Our aim is to shed light on how fatherhood is evolving, influencing family dynamics, personal growth, and societal expectations. Join us as we unpack the insights and experiences shared by Michael Perry, guiding fathers and families towards a more empathetic, involved, and balanced approach to masculinity and parenting.

As we continue the webinar, Perry emphasizes the importance of co-parenting and partnership within the family unit. He discusses how modern fatherhood involves a shared responsibility in nurturing and supporting children. Perry highlights the significance of open communication, equality in handling family responsibilities, and mutual support between partners. This approach not only strengthens the family bond but also models a healthy, collaborative relationship for children.

For a new dad, here are some essential tips:

  • Embrace the Learning Curve: Parenting is a journey filled with learning. Don't be hard on yourself if you don't know everything right away.
  • Bond with Your Baby: Spend quality time with your newborn. Simple actions like holding, cuddling, and talking to your baby can strengthen your bond.
  • Support Your Partner: Share responsibilities and offer emotional support to your partner. This teamwork is crucial in the early stages of parenting.
  • Seek Advice and Support: Don't hesitate to ask for advice from experienced parents or join parenting groups for support.
  • Take Care of Yourself: Remember, self-care is vital. Ensure you're getting enough rest, eating well, and taking time to relax.
  • Capture the Moments: Babies grow up fast. Take lots of photos and cherish these early memories.
  • Trust Your Instincts: You know your baby better than anyone else. Trust your instincts when making decisions.
  • Stay Flexible: Be prepared for plans to change. Flexibility is key in managing the unpredictable nature of parenting.

For a new dad, here are some tangible ways to support your partner and baby:

  • Help with Night Feeding: Take turns in feeding or bringing the baby to your partner for breastfeeding at night.
  • Handle Diaper Changes: Regularly take on diaper-changing duties.
  • Assist with Baby-Related Tasks: Help with bathing the baby, preparing baby bottles, and washing baby clothes.
  • Provide Emotional Support: Be a listening ear and offer emotional support to your partner.
  • Manage Household Chores: Take on more household responsibilities like cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping.
  • Give Your Partner Breaks: Ensure your partner gets some alone time to rest or engage in self-care activities.
  • Attend Pediatric Appointments: Accompany your partner to the baby’s doctor visits.
  • Create a Calm Environment: Help maintain a peaceful and calm atmosphere in the home, which is beneficial for both the baby and your partner.

These actions not only alleviate your partner's workload but also strengthen your connection with your baby and partner.

Through the insights of Michael Perry, we see the shift from traditional paternal roles to a more nurturing, involved, and empathetic approach. This evolution in fatherhood not only enhances family dynamics but also sets a new standard for masculinity. It's about balance, emotional presence, and partnership in parenting. As we embrace these changes, we pave the way for a more inclusive and understanding society, where the role of a father is celebrated for its diversity and depth. This new era of fatherhood is not just a trend; it's a movement towards a more compassionate and balanced world for future generations.

Key Takeaways:

  • What are the skillsets someone needs to communicate their needs to their partners?
  • Timing is everything, and your approach to the discussion is important. Consider “I” statements instead of leading with “You” statements. For example: “I am really struggling with X right now, and I could use your help.”
  • Habitual Conversations. Get in the habit as a family to sit down once a week and go over schedules, goals, etc. Make sure everyone has what they need for a good week— emotional support and physical support.
  • Your marriage is a partnership. Can you open your mind this year to a true partnership?


  • About Maple: Maple is a household management app working to Make All Parents' Lives Easier (M.A.P.L.E.).
  • Maple’s free app is the best way for parents to work together and stay organized. Stay on top of your family’s busy schedule, from family calendaring, to household chores and food & meal prep, kids activities to planning your next trip— everything you need to stay organized, all in one place.
  • Michael Perry’s favorite Books:
  • Outlive
  • The Hidden Life of Trees

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